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How Express Entry Works

How Express Entry Works?

If Canada is your dream goal and you want to stay there then you must know the PR visa details. You have to suspiciously select the visa category. The certification related with the visa category has to be finished properly. Make sure that you know Canada Immigration necessities before you apply for the visa. If you want to Immigrate to Canada then you must have facts about visa programmes, eligibility criteria, the necessities of dissimilar visa programmes.

Express Entry Program manages the profile of the immigrants who have registered under Canada’s three major skilled financial immigration programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)


Get your documents ready

You need certain documents at singular stages of the Express Entry application process. Some documents take a long time to get, so you should get them ready now

Get your documents ready

Your Express Entry profile is where you give us information about yourself. If you’re eligible, we’ll accept you into our pool of candidates.You’ll be ranked in the Express Entry pool using a points-based system. Your score is based on the information in your profile.

  • Check your Score
  • Submit your profile


What are the Advantages of Express Entry?

  • Ability to adjust the program quickly and professionally based on Canada’s economic needs.
  • Better aligns Canada’s immigration ingestion with labour market necessities.
  • Candidates can advance their scores whilst in the pool, meaning they can effort towards achieving an Invitation to Apply.
  • Offers a clear and practical picture of a candidate’s Canada immigration prospects.
  • Significantly concentrated processing times by prioritizing those more possible to be successful.
  • Gives government flexibility on immigration through CRS changes and program-specific draws.

Other than the express entry program, there is also one more immigration program that allows the capable immigrants to apply for Canada PR Visa and that is the Provincial Nomination Program (PNP). PNPs permit the provinces (except Quebec) in Canada to nominate the capable immigrants for permanent residence in order to assist in the economic development of the province.

Every PNP has a flow that is in-line with the Federal Government’s Express Entry Program that allows the express entry registered candidates to submit an application for provincial nomination. If a candidate is able to land the provincial nomination documentation, they are awarded 600 CRS points. These various points give a main boost to the CRS score of the express entry candidate and make sure that they are bright to get the ITA.

Receive ITA and apply for Permanent Residence