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Manitoba Immigration PNP Points Calculator 2021

Manitoba Immigration PNP Points Calculator 2022

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is one of Canada’s most popular immigration pathways. Modelled after the federal Express Entry program, the program offers an easy and complexities-free means of immigrating to Canada for skilled workers. Just like the electronic point based gradation system of other Canadian states, the MPNP assesses applicants on the basis of a point system which is a derivative of the national federal government’s Express Entry system. So, assessment is done both on the basis of sate as well as the national job pool centred Express Entry Program. Calculate your Manitoba PNP Points before applying in MPNP Program, minimum 60 points required out 0f 100.

Manitoba PNP Rules 2022

Important: Canada Immigration New Rules 2022

The six fundamental factors about Manitoba Points Calculator:

  • Language Proficiency
  • Age
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Adaptability
  • Risk Assessment

Am I Eligible to Move to Manitoba?

The state authorities of Manitoba periodically issue invitations to highly skilled immigrants to apply for Permanent Residence status. If you apply for immigration to Manitoba then you need to fulfil both the state and national minimal criteria before you will be invited to apply for PR. The minimal score required to be invited to submit an Express of Interest (EOI) letter is 60 out of 100. The criteria are subject to change at anytime especially the in-Demand list of occupations which is subject to the National Occupation Classification (NOC) of the central government. Therefore, it is important to stay in-the-know of all the facets of the point-based system.

Manitoba PNP Assessment Point System 2022

Factor 1: Language Proficiency

Language Proficiency Points
First language (English or French)
CLB 8 or higher / native speaker 20
CLB 7 18
CLB 6 16
CLB 5 14
CLB 4 12
CLB 3 or lower 0
Second language (English or French)
CLB 5 or higher 5

Factor 2: Age

Age Points
18 4
19 6
20 8
21 to 45 10
46 8
47 6
48 4
49 2
50 or older 0

Factor 3: Work Experience (in the past five years)

Work Experience (in the past five years) Points
Less than one year 0
One year 8
Two years 10
Three years 12
Four years or more 15

Factor 4: Education

Education Points
Master’s or Doctorate 25
Two post-secondary programs of at least two years each 23
One post-secondary program of two years or longer 20
One one year post-secondary program 14
Trade certification 14
No post-secondary education 0

Factor 5: Adaptability

Adaptability Points
Close relative in Manitoba 20
Invitation to Apply received from MPNP as part of recruitment mission or exploratory visit 20
Previous work experience in Manitoba (at least six months) 12
Completed post-secondary program of two years or more in Manitoba 12
Completed post-secondary program of at least one year in Manitoba 10
Friend or distant relative living in Manitoba 10
Bonus: Intention to reside outside Winnipeg 5
Total 100

MPNP Skilled Worker Ranking Grid

Factor 1: Language Proficiency

Assessment Factor Points
First Official Language
CLB 8 or higher 25 per band
CLB 7 22 per band
CLB 6 20 per band
CLB 5 17 per band
CLB 4 12 per band
CLB 3 or lower 0
Second Official Language
CLB 5 or higher (overall) 25
Maximum Points – Factor 1 125

Factor 2: Age

Age Points
18 20
19 30
20 40
21 to 45 75
46 40
47 30
48 20
49 10
50 or older 0
Maximum Points – Factor 2 75

Factor 3: Work Experience

Work Experience Points
Lessthan 1 year 0
1 year 40
2 years 50
3 years 60
4 years or more 75
Fully recognized by provincial licensing body 100
Maximum Points – Factor 3 175

Factor 4: Education

Education Points
Master’s degree or Doctorate 125
Two post-secondary programs of at least 2 years each 115
One post-secondary program of three years or more 110
One post-secondary program of two years 100
One-year post-secondary program 70
Trade Certificat 70
No formal post-secondary education 0
Maximum Points – Factor 4 125

Factor 5: Adaptability

Adaptability Points
Close relative in Manitoba 200
Previous work experience in Manitoba (6 months or more) 100
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (2 years or more) 100
Completed post-secondary program in Manitoba (one year) 50
Close friend or distant relative in Manitoba 50
Manitoba Demand
Ongoing employment in Manitoba for 6 months or more with long-term job offer from the same employer 500
InvitationtoApplyunderaStrategicInitiative 500
Regional Development
Immigration destination in Manitoba is outside of Winnipeg 50
Maximum Points – Factor 5 500

Factor 6: Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Points
Close relative in another province and no close relative in MB 0
Work experience in another province -100
Studiesin another province -100
Previousimmigration application to another province 0
Maximum Points – Factor 6 -200
Maximum Overall Points: 1000

How Do i Get PR visa in Manitoba,Canada ?

At White Seas Immigration you get to have your immigration application handled by the best in the business. Our immigration experts, with their decades of experience and in-depth knowledge of the immigration laws and entry systems of Canada as well as other countries, will provide with just the right kind of advice you need to complete your application and become eligible for invitation. So get in touch with us today and give you application the touch of professionals.